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    Travel support

    Travel support (Ru-En, Ru-De) Execution of business tasks in English; work under investment projects, independent study of the topic/analysis in a foreign language; participation in several rounds of negotiations; trips and negotiations abroad; written translations; correspondence; calls abroad)
    One-time consecutive interpretation (Ru-En) – from 1200 rubles/hour.
    One-time written translation (Ru-En) – from 450 rubles/hour.
    Completed projects:
    • Arrangement of translation and transfer support for the Mexican delegation during the 2018 FIFA World Cup in several cities of the Russian Federation

    • Negotiations between the Russian shareholder and the German dealer “Daimler Ltd” on the purchase of a premium car BMW Cabrio

    • Negotiations between a Russian bank (NDA) and a Dubai construction company on the purchase of the real estate in Dubai
    • and other.
    Travel support